Sunday 21 June 2009

Energy Diversity is key for securing Energy Security

Many countries and Governments that run them have woken up to the fact that energy supply needs to be cost effective and diverse. Many large corporations are now mixing their oil and gas strategies with renewables and heavily promoting their push. I am currently transiting through Terminal 5 and there is some heavy corporate positioning going on regarding the diverse energy models they are pursuing.

I happen to agree that the next 10 years will see a major jostling for position over energy resources - even more so than the past 10 years. Expect to see the likes of Russia, Iran , France, Germany , China and India all push for ways to capture some of the resources in the energy race. If the western world switches off its reliance of oil in the Middle East this will severely cause issues far cashflow in the region.

Energy Efficiency is becoming more important to everyone. I will expand with some recent articles later in the week to add a follow up to this premise that Energy Diversity is key for Securing Energy Security.

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